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Kazakhs cold on united league with Azerbaijan and Georgia

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April 15 - The Kazakhstan football federation has poured cold water on the hopes of Georgian federation president Zviad Sichinava (pictured), who is pushing to submit plans to UEFA for a united football league for Azerbaijan, Georgia and Kazakhstan which he claims would be able to attract significant investment.

According to Sichinav, "Russia and Ukraine already have submitted their [respective] plan. The Baltic States likewise want to have a united league. Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan will develop their own plan."

Sichinava said Azerbaijan had agreed to the plan and negotiations with the Kazakhs were ongoing.

However, at the weekend, the Football Federation of Kazakhstan announced that it has no plans to unite with the league of any country.

The planning for a new league, including just Azerbaijan and Georgia to begin with, seems likely to continue as a new league would have higher competitive levels, attracting more interest. The budget for a new league has been estimated at $50 million.

Inside World of Football

April 15 2013, 14:32

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