Strategy Page - Take Your Space Port And Shove It - Founded in 1955, by the Soviet Union, Baikonur was long the main satellite launch facility for the Russians. But after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, Baikonur found itself in the newly minted Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan. There, it has become more expensive and difficult for the Russians to use.
Eurasinet - Kazakhstan's Rich-Poor Divide Hits Nazarbayev’s Radar - Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev is fond of lauding his oil-rich country’s economic successes – but now he has acknowledged that they are not trickling down to everyone.
BBC - North Korea crisis: Kerry renews support for S Korea - After talks in Seoul with President Park Geun-hye and Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se, Mr Kerry said US and South Korean views were "very much aligned".
The National Interest - Thatcher and Entrenched Interests - It’s probably inevitable that the attention now accorded Margaret Thatcher on the occasion of her death should spawn questions about what lessons from her life and career might be applicable to our own time. And it’s probably inevitable that such questions would spawn plenty of debate, since there are no final victories in politics and her outlook remains controversial in America just as it is in Britain.
The Telegraph - Jackie Chan wins director award - Action star Jackie Chan wins best director award for 'Chinese Zodiac', his hundredth film.