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Frontier guards know where the brothers are

3 753 просмотрs

 To: Colonel T.M. STAMBEKOV,  

                           Frontier Service Acting Director

of RoK National Security Committee,

Astana, Beibitshilik St., 51A

Dear Turganbek Mukhametkaliyevich,

Since the heads of the RoK Prosecutor General's Office and Agency on Countering Economic and Corruption Crimes (Financial Police) during their visit to Atyrau on August 31 couldn't provide an exact answer to the questions of our correspondents regarding the whereabouts of B. Ryskaliyev, the ex-akim of Atyrau Oblast, we earnestly request you to answer the following questions:

1. Did the officers of the Frontier Service check documents of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bergei Saulebayevich Ryskaliyev and Amanzhan Saulebaiuly Ryskali in the period from August 15, 2012 up until now? If they did, then when and at what check-point of the border of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

2. In case of departure of the above citizens from the Republic of Kazakhstan and during the final check of their documents, did they have exit permits (ex-akim of the oblast and the deputy of the RoK Parliament respectively) as the bearers of the state secrets?

3. In case of departure of the above citizens from the Republic of Kazakhstan at the final check of their documents, the border of what country and with what visa did they cross after passing passport control at the Kazakh border?

Dear Turganbek Mukhametkaliyevich,

We are positive that with current information technologies and information database available at the Border Service, it will not be difficult for your office to answer these simple questions in the next few days, without us waiting for your answer (we sent this letter by e-mail).   

Ak Zhaik newspaper, the Editors, Atyrau

September 22, 2012

September 24 2012, 16:17

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