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Banking on nuclear peace in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan, UN Getting Involved In Rogun Mediation. Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' may return to Germany

1 090 просмотрs

BBC - Banking on nuclear peace in Kazakhstan - Opponents of the bank are worried about the potential impact on the environment

Eurasianet - Kazakhstan, UN Getting Involved In Rogun Mediation - "It's no secret that the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power plant is one of the important issues on the agenda. The Tajik president spoke during the meeting about his vision and approach to the construction of this facility. He suggested the importance of working together with the World Bank to conduct an independent examination of the construction of the power station," Idrisov said....

The Telegraph - Jeremy Irons claims gay marriage laws could lead to a father marrying his son - Jeremy Irons, the Oscar-winning actor, has provoked outrage by suggesting that same sex marriage laws could allow fathers to marry their sons to avoid paying inheritance tax.

Trend - Caspian littoral states prepare for Caspian status summit - "Preparations for the summit were discussed during the bilateral Azerbaijani-Russian negotiations on the status of the Caspian Sea in March. There are still a number of open issues in determining the status of the sea that require consolidation," the deputy minister said.

The Diplomat - The Geopolitics of Missile Defense - Many nations already have, or are acquiring, short- and medium-range missiles. The United States is leading the efforts to negate such threats.

RIA Novosti - Pentagon to Buy Russian Helicopters Despite Ban - The US Department of Defense said Thursday it plans to sidestep a Congressional ban to purchase 30 helicopters from Russian state-owned defense firm Rosoboronexport, despite objections from US lawmakers who allege that the firm has equipped the Syrian government to commit brutal crimes against civilians.

Deutsche Welle - Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' may return to Germany - The copyright for Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" is currently held by the German state of Bavaria. Printing the book remains forbidden. But one political party is wondering: what happens when the copyright expires in 2015?

April 5 2013, 15:22

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