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How to be a successful luxury brand. One Thing China and the USSR DON’T Have in Common. Ex-Soviet states may need 800 mln Kyoto permits: report

1 232 просмотрs

Campden FB - How to be a successful luxury brand - The spread of luxury is the story of the early 21st century. Take this fact: Louis Vuitton, which started life as a trunk-making business in Paris in 1854, will soon open a swanky new store in Kazakhstan.

Point Carbon - Ex-Soviet states may need 800 mln Kyoto permits: report - Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine could switch from sellers to buyers of U.N.-backed carbon units if they stick to their Kyoto emission targets, according to a new report on Monday, which suggested the three nations may need to buy up to 801 million CO2 permits.

Kyiv Post - Azarov: To join Customs Union Ukraine would have to quit WTO, which is unsound - "Ukraine as an independent state is bound by a number of international agreements. It joined the World Trade Organization before Russia. We are facing a very simple question: either we quit the WTO and join the Customs Union, or we must revise our agreement with the WTO as part of our commitments to the Customs Union, which is very difficult and counterproductive," he said in an interview with Russia's TV channel Mir aired on Sunday evening.

The Guardian - Bad week in prospect for Kazakhstan, chancellors and Kingfisher - The economic situation is looking bleak in Britain, France – and even in the booming commodities sector

The Telegraph - Peter and Alice, Noel Coward Theatre, review - Peter and Alice, starring Skyfall's Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw, is a moving theatrical chamber piece which couldn't be further removed from the Bond blockbuster, says Charles Spencer.

The Diplomat - One Thing China and the USSR DON’T Have in Common - While there are many areas scholars can try and draw comparisons between the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the CCP—such as political power, economic reform, technological innovation, and foreign affairs— the roll that massive military spending played in the Soviet Union’s collapse is one area that China should study.

RIA Novosti - Moscow Celebrates Nowruz with Eastern Bazaar, Concert - Moscow celebrated the spring equinox on March 24. RIA Novosti offers you a chance in this video to see the celebration with ethnic song and dance from Dagestan, Tatarstan, and many others.

Deutsche Welle - Turkey and Israel: reviving strategic ties? - "I can think of a thousand reasons why Turkey and Israel should be friends," Israeli President Shimon Peres said Sunday (24.03.2013) in an interview on Turkish television. His remarks follow a formal apology issued by Irsaeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Turkey for the 2010 raid of a flotilla headed for the Gaza strip in which nine Turkish activists died.

Russia Today - Berezovsky's death ‘consistent with hanging’ – British police - The results of a post-mortem examination of oligarch Boris Berezovsky’s body show his death to be “consistent with hanging,” the Thames Valley police department announced.

The Washington Post - A historic moment as same-sex marriage arrives before Supreme Court - A four-year legal battle to extend the right of marriage to same-sex couples no matter where they live gets its moment before the Supreme Court on Tuesday in historic oral arguments difficult to imagine even a decade ago.

March 26 2013, 16:43

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