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UK nuclear power gets green light. Ukrainian Lawmakers Brawl Over Use of Russian. Be vigilant in India: Italy tells citizens.

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The Telegraph - UK nuclear power gets green light - Plans for Britain’s first new nuclear plant in decades will only become a “reality” if ministers “swiftly” agree on subsidies for the £14bn project, EDF Energy warned on Tuesday.

Arab Times - Be vigilant in India: Italy tells citizens - The warning reflected apparent Italian concern about a potential backlash after Rome refused to return the two marines charged with murdering two Indian fishermen off the southern state of Kerala last year.

The Diplomat - Asia’s Faithful Respond to News of Pope Francis - Simon Roughneen reports from Rome concerning the local Asian response to the election of a new pope.

RIA Novosti - Moscow Bans March 31 Opposition Rally - Moscow city authorities have rejected a request by an opposition group to hold a rally on March 31, an official said on Wednesday.

Ukrainian Lawmakers Brawl Over Use of Russian - Nationalist lawmakers in Ukraine’s rowdy legislature brawled Tuesday with deputies from the ruling Party of Regions in a standoff over which language should be used in parliament.

Deutsche Welle - Ten years on, US revisits containment policy - On the 10th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq it's worth reflecting on whether containment - rather than intervention - is Washington's preferred option in dealing with crises, writes Richard Gowan.

Iraqis no longer the 'Prussians of the Orient' - The huge economic potential in Iraq is attractive for business, but ten years after the US invasion, Western companies hesitate to go there. However, the German company, Trapp, is an example of how it can work.

The Tehran Times - Iran in talks with Britain to resume consular activities - The Iranian government is holding talks with Britain about the resumption of consular activities between the two countries, the Iranian deputy foreign minister for consular and expatriates’ affairs, Hassan Qashqavi, said on Sunday.

Trend - Great Britain to supply another batch of freight wagons to Turkmenistan - Moreover, Turkmenistan is implementing the North-South major railroad construction project with Kazakhstan and Iran. Its implementation will open the way to Central Asia and the Persian Gulf via the shortest, cost-effective route for European and Asian countries.

March 20 2013, 16:16

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