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NCOC hands over sponsorship and donation projects

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Pierre Delpont at the Children's Academy of Arts during the ceremonyPierre Delpont at the Children's Academy of Arts during the ceremonyAtyrau, 4 March 2013: North Caspian Operating Company B.V. (NCOC) handed over 11 projects completed under the Consortium’s Sponsorship and Donation Programme.

As noted by the NCOC External Relations Director Pierre Delpont during the handover event: "It has become a good tradition that we regularly hold S&D events and I would like to stress the Consortium’s continued commitment to supporting the communities in the areas we operate in. Sponsorships and Donantions play an important role in this and the projects we are handing over today are another proof of our commitment." "What makes us particularly glad is that today’s projects reach out to many local residents, especially children - our future generation. I am convinced that with these projects our Consortium has made another contribution towards fostering a prosperous future for the Atyrau Region" - he added. 

The 11 projects, handed over to the residents of the Atyrau Region, included medical equipment for Atyrau city hospital, musical instruments and sports equipment for A. Chekhov's School No14 and S. Mukanov's School No10 in Atyrau, sponsorship for Kerbez children's theatre of Small Academy of Arts, sports equipment for Atyrau Region Federation of kyokushin kaikan karate "Namys", furniture for Baldyrgan kindergarten. At the end of 2012 the Consortium completed 92 projects in Atyrau and Mangistau Regions, having spent a total of almost 210 million tenge on the Sponsorship and Donation Programme.

One of the beneficiaries, Marat Konysov, Head Doctor of Atyrau City Hospital Director thanked the Consortium, saying: "Our hospital is a specialized institution for provision of medical care to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The equipment provided by North Caspian Sea Consortium allowed us to improve significantly the quality of medical services, which is critical for our patients."

Saltanat Ubdiyanova, Director of Baldyrgan kindergarten No18 noted that "Consortium and our pre-school institution have built good and strong relationships. In 2008, the Company helped to equip a computer class of the kindergarten and provided required furniture. Moreover, every year on Children's Day Consortium supports our children from low income families with gifts and vouchers to attend the best children's camps.

The projects handed over to the communities were focused on economic sustainability and welfare, health, education, culture, cultural heritage, sports or unprivileged people, They meet the Consortium’s criteria for Sustainable Development as they include elements of self-involvement and are longer-term sustainable solutions, reads the company press release. 

The event was attended by representatives of authorities of Atyrau city and Atyrau Region, NGOs, NCOC and Agip KCO. 


March 5 2013, 14:37

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