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Kazakhstan Draws $ 20 Billion of Foreign Investments in 2012

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(MENAFN - Qatar News Agency) Kazakhstan drew 20 billion US dollars of investments in 2012, thus hitting the world's record, Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev said during his Friday's meeting with representatives of the diplomatic missions and international organisations, accredited in the republic.

 In 2012, Kazakhstan managed to draw more than 20 billion US dollars of foreign direct investments in the economy of the republic.

 "No one country of the world achieved such a result any before," he was cited by Itar-tass as saying. More than 160 billion roubles have been drawn in the country's economy over 20 years since 1993, Nazarbayev said.

 The Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy, under which the republic plans to enter the top 30 world's most developed countries, is expected to become the core of the political course for the next decades.

"I set an ambitious task in order to turn Kazakhstani into one of the world's 30 most developed countries by the middle of the century.

This is the major goal of our strategy. We will strive for this," the president said.

"The Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy meets absolute other challenges and threats than those at the end of the previous century," Nazarbayev said.

"It will be fulfilled on the innovative, economic and social principles of the country and society development.

And this is the essence of Kazakhstan's new political course in the period up to the middle of the 21st century," the president stated.

January 23 2013, 10:04

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