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Mangistau Governor: Tengizchevroil must sell gas in tenge

2 120 просмотрs

Image 0«Gas produced by Tengizchevroil in Kazakhstan must be sold in tenge - our national currency,» said Alik Aidarbaev, Mangystau Oblast Governor, during the briefing at the Central Communication Service.

«Although in the past years our oil companies increased the volume of gas production, we still cannot fully provide ourselves with gas yet,» said Aidarbaev.

According to him, major oil companies of Kazakhstan such as Tengizchevroil and KazTransGaz conclude the contracts between themselves in US dollar. Every time the rate exchange of Kazakhstani tenge increases against US dollar, the price of gas goes up. That, in its turn, affects electricity, water and heating tariffs.

I consider that the price for gas, produced in Kazakhstan by TCO should be fixed in tenge", concluded Aidarbaev.


Translated by Zeena Urynbassarova

February 2 2016, 15:41

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