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Kazakhstan sees complete reorganization of ministries

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President Nazarbayev’s official website has posted a presidential decree on some changes to the country’s public administration system, involving reorganization of a number of ministries.

Notably, Head of State has established a new Ministry for Country’s Regions Development. Some powers of the Ministry for Economic Development and Trade [those related to country’s regions development, support to small businesses and social enterprises] have been transferred to the newly established ministry.

The earlier Ministry for Economic Development and Trade will be transformed into a new Ministry of Economic Affairs and Budget Planning. The new ministry will be vested with budget planning powers (earlier exercised by the Finance Ministry), powers to support investments and create a favorable investment climate (earlier exercised by the Ministry of Industry and new Technology) and powers to shape the country’s migration policy (earlier belonging to the Interior Ministry).

The Agency for Housing Construction and Related Infrastructure and the Agency for Land Resources have been taken over by the new Ministry for Country’s Regions Development. The Agency for Nuclear Power Industry is to be taken over by the Ministry of Industry and New Technology.

Besides, President vests the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Budget Planning with special powers to develop the state policy enabling evolution of the green economy.

The Environment Ministry will be vested with powers to enforce the state policy to develop the green economy. This Ministry will be now responsible to ensure reasonable use of natural resources (earlier exercised by the Agriculture Ministry), enforce the water management policy and ensure the national fishery development. The Ministry will also be responsible for municipal solid waste disposal (earlier this function was performed by the Agency for Housing Construction and Related Infrastructure. Besides, the Ministry will be in charge of renewable sources of energy development (earlier this function was performed by the Ministry of Industry and New Technology).

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection will be responsible to enforce the country’s migration policy, excluding efforts to counteract illegal migration (earlier the function was performed by the Interior Ministry).

The decree comes into force on the date of signing. The President’s Administration shall be responsible for its enforcement.

January 17 2013, 15:57

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