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First Kazakh school opened in U.S.

1 843 просмотрs

The first Kazakh school has opened in the United State, Kazakh World writes.

The school was opened in Houston, Texas, under the aegis of Shanyraq Foundation. Kazakhs living in Houston and eager to introduce their children to their native culture. The school started functioning in October 2012, but its official opening fell on December 16 in commemoration of Kazakhstan's Independence Day.

 The school has two groups: Balapan (Chick) is for children aged from 3 to 6 and Tulpar (Fast Horse) is for children from 7 to 12. Classes are held every Sunday. The children learn Kazakh literature, songs, dances, traditions and dombyra (Kazakh national musical string instrument that looks like a long-necked lute).

 The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of Kazakhstan Embassy to the U.S. in Washington. The diplomats expressed gratitude to the founders and teachers of the school working on a voluntary basis.

January 16 2013, 14:19

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