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Kazakhstan Healthcare Ministry blacklists U.S., UK and China

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Kazakhstan Healthcare Ministry has blacklisted the U.S., Great Britain and China, reports citing chairman of the State Sanitary-Epidemiological Control Commission of Kazakhstan Healthcare Ministry Zhandarbek Bekshin.

"We are turning the attention of our tourists traveling to Europe, as the place currency has a high level of acute respiratory viral infections and flu. This is the same for the United States and Great Britain. China is dangerous as well. The surge of the virus diseases is also starting in the neighboring Russia," Bekshin said at the briefing.

According to the country's main sanitary doctor, the virus infection spreads with a high pace and other countries can be added to this list in a week's time.

According to Bekshin, Norovirus is currently the most dangerous infection. It started spreading in Great Britain, where over 750 thousand cases of this infection have been registered so far.

"Norovirus has a bowel syndrome. It causes weakness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea up to 8 times a day. It is resistant to boiling to up to 60 degrees; chlorine-containing medicines are most effective against it," he explained.

Bekshin added that no cases of Norovirus infection have been registered in Kazakhstan so far.

January 16 2013, 10:54

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