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Foreign Specialists are Leaving Kazakhstan Because of the Tenge Devaluation

1 998 просмотрs

Image 0As a result of devaluation of the national currency tenge, which occurred last year, many foreign experts, who had worked in the country under the contract, are leaving it, and returning to their homes. If relatively recently wages of middle tier managers at least two thousand dollars a month at the official rate, at present, this amount is much more modest. This is explained by the fact that in the course of this year the Kazakh currency has experienced a sharp fall from the level of 185 tenge to the current 313 tenge against the dollar.

"Do not feel special illusions - most of foreign specialists arrived in Kazakhstan solely because of the big money. Other options in this case are extremely unlikely" - so a programmer, who came from Ukraine said in an interview with the media. He added that according to his observations, the collapse of tenge was the main cause of his countrymen's departure from Kazakhstan.

"Unfortunately, I can say that very few employers reported that they were going to index wages, which fell almost twice. And it immediately puts the main reason for the arrival of foreign specialists in Kazakhstan under the big question" - the programmer said.

Problems have also arisen for those who work in the automotive business. Indeed, in the conditions when in Kazakhstan in large quantities vehicles from other countries are imported through shadow, "gray" schemes, it is extremely difficult to compete with them working legally.

However, not all foreigners in Kazakhstan think that about changing the place of work and residence. For example, the director of one of the companies working in the field of security, said that despite the decline in the dollar equivalent of wages there is no fear of losing the job because of low business activity. "In Kazakhstan, among other things, it is more easily to do business" - he said.


November 12 2015, 11:30

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