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Republican emergency response center for elimination of hurricane consequences in KZ's Zhambyl region

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The Republican emergency response center for elimination of hurricane consequences had been established in Kazakhstan's Zhambyl Oblast, headed by the deputy Prime Minister Krymbek Kusherbayev, at the request of the Head of State due to emergency situation in Zhambyl Oblast, RoK Prime Minister’s press service reports.

To recall, on Saturday, January 12, in Zhambyl Oblast due to severe weather events multiple power cut offs occurred that eventually resulted in failure of the local power feeding substations PS-110-Karatau-2. As the result, the Karatau town was totally disconnected from power. Because of strong gust winds reaching up to 35-40 meters per second, a boiler house chimney collapsed.

KEGOC power lines are also cut off. Talas and Sarysuy districts, as well as Karatau and Zhanatas towns are currently without electricity.

At present, the weather situation remain severe.

The Government commission arrived today to the capital city of Taraz to undertake expedient measures against the storm. Vice Premier Kusherbayev held an emergency  meeting at the Taraz airport and gave a number of instructions for reactivation of life support systems in Talas and Sarysuy districts. After the meeting the Vice Premier left for Karatau and Zhanatas towns. 

“Now all emergency measures are taken for restoration of power, heat, water supply of the residential settlements. The machinery and plant is sent to Karatau to clean the snow blockages. Power companies and other organizations formed emergency teams to assist with the response to the situation. Fuels and lubricants supply, as well as delivery of portable water and hot meals to the population of Karatau and Zhanatas has been organized. Currently the government commission is assessing the condition of the boiler house equipment and other life-support facilities and developing a recovery plan, - the DES department informs.

Additional forces have been attracted from Almaty (218 people and 37 items of equipment). The other necessary materials for replacement of damaged lines and support came from other regions of the country, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports.

Two 1050 kilowatts and 800 kW stand-alone generators have been delivered to the disaster area. Another five diesel generators have been delivered to Taraz. Kazakh Rail Company KTZh sent rail carriages for transportation of people from Karatau town. The railway tracks Zhambyl-Karatau and Karatau-Zhanatas are currently cleaned of snow.

WKT citing

January 14 2013, 11:01

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