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​Japan to explore rare earth metals in Kazakhstan

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Image 0Japan together with Kazakhstan will seek rare earth metal deposits in Karaganda and Kostanay regions. Minister of Investments and Development of Kazakhstan Asset Issekeshev met today with the leadership of Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) within official visit of Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe to Astana.

The sides discussed a joint geological studies in Kazakhstan.

JOGMEC and Kazgeology are going to begin in the spring of next year the exploration works at Kyzemshek deposit in Karaganda region and Zhanaarkalyk deposit in Kostanay region.

Kazakhstan and Japan have agreed to consider the possibility of implementing joint projects on processing of rare earth metals in Kazakhstan and agreed to hold more meetings regarding the issue.

Following the meeting, Kazgeology and JOGMEG signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of mineral resources.


October 27 2015, 15:01

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