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Migrant tripped up in Hungary gets Spanish football job

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Image 0Osama Abdul Mohsen, a refugee who made international headlines after being tripped by Hungarian reporter Petra Laszlo, is set to coach in Getafe, the Madrid suburb.

Mohsen had previously worked for Syrian Premier League side al-Fotuwa SC, before fleeing his home as it became engulfed in war.

After travelling to Germany from Hungary, international media revealed Mohsen as a football coach, attracting interest from the football world.

And now Mohsen, along with his 7-year-old son Zaid, are expected to arrive in Madrid by train on Wednesday night, accompanied by an Arabic-speaker from the CENAFE coaching school in Getafe.

CENAFE aim to train the Syrian coach, help him and his family for asylum in Spain and allow Zaid to play for one of the local teams in Getafe.

The mayor of Getafe has welcomed Mohsen and 7-year-old Zaid, damning the actions of Laszlo, who was later removed from her position at Hungary's N1TV network.

"We will work with Getafe so Osama Abdul Mohsen can train, as he has experience with that, and that his son Zaid can play for the team, and who knows if in the future this can happen with another Spanish club?", said Sara Hernandez, the mayor of Getafe.

"Sadly they have become known for being tripped by this journalist that showed her xenophobic and intolerant style, but at Getafe we will pay them all the attention they need."

Source: On photo: (C) - Osama Abdul Mohsen, a refugee who made international headlines after being tripped by Hungarian reporter Petra Laszlo, is set to coach in Getafe, the Madrid suburb.

September 22 2015, 17:11

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