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Parliament deputies return from summer break

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Image 0Speaker of the Lower Chamber of the Kazakh Parliament Kabibulla Dzhakupov has opened today the fifth joint session of the Parliament of the fifth convocation, reports KAZINFORM.

"As you know, Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev is paying an official visit to the People's Republic of China. In this connection, in accordance with the Constitutional Law "On the Parliament and Status of Its Deputies", I announce the joint session of the Parliament open," Dzhakupov said.

"The deputies of the Majilis have to do a lot to fulfill the Presidential instructions," he added.

Prime Minister Karim Massimov, Secretary of State Gulshara Abdykalikova, head of the Executive Office of the President, Chairman of the Constitutional Council Igor Rogov, Chairman of the Supreme Court Kairat Mami, members of the Government and heads of governmental structures participated in the joint session of the Parliament.

Text/picture: KAZINFORM

September 1 2015, 15:48

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