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Kazakh-Kyrgyz border opened

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Image 0Kyrgyz accession to the EEU and opening of the Kazakh-Kyrgyz border will be another test for Kazakhstani business, head of the Coordination Council of the Association of Family Business of Kazakhstan Yana Iskakova told.

"Unfortunately, there are very few Kazakhstani producers, and local products are not very popular with the people of our country. Local manufacturers have to become stronger and deserve their popularity in the market. In order to support local manufacturers, people have to be more patriotic, they have to understand that our products are high-quality products meeting all international standards," Y. Iskakova said.

According to her, the light industry has been developing at a good pace in Kyrgyzstan over the recent time, and Kyrgyz cheap products will flow into our country since opening of the border. This will be a hard test for our products.

President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev will hold bilateral talks on August 12 to address relevant issues of bilateral cooperation.

They will also attend the ceremony of abolishment of customs control on the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border through a teleconference bridge between the cultural center Rukh Ordo in Cholpon-Ata and Ak-Zhol border crossing point.

The aircraft of the President of Kazakhstan today has landed at Issyk-Kul International Airport in the village of Tamchi. President Almazbek Atambayev greeted President Nazarbayev upon arrival.


August 11 2015, 16:00

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