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​Fairytale Wedding of“The Beast and the Beauty” in Atyrau

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By Ainur Saparova

Image 0On August 7, in the village of Mukur located 250 km north-east of Atyrau one of the heroes of our publications who suffers 'progeria' - a very rare genetic disorder, wherein symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age, celebrated wedding.

“The boy who looks like an old man" Nurzhan Urkeshbaev married his bride Asemgul. “Ak Zhaik" newspaper reporter was invited to the wedding.

We were very surprised to see a big and beautiful restaurant in a tiny village of Mukur. Prior to evening festivity we went to Nurzhan's house. His mother welcomed us very warmly, despite all fussing preparation for the evening celebration. The bride was inside the house and was getting prepared for a ceremony with the help of her girl friends in the other room. I didn't want to bother her with the questions at such moment, so I popped my head in at the door to extend congratulations.

Wedding appointed for 6:00pm stated at 9:00pm. Village residents say that it is a common practice, however, in the city wedding celebrations also start late.

The wedding started with the remembered moment of silence of Nurzhan's grandmother. It was Nurzhan's wish, because she was the most closest person for him, since it was his grandma that brought him up.

There were four masters of ceremony at the wedding, who interchanged each other and kept guests actively involved in the wedding celebration process. They were very inventive and funny. It appeared that they all, including the musicians of the live band were Nurzhan's friends and colleagues and they beautifully organized the music part of the wedding for free, as a gift.

There were about 300 guests at the wedding. A special guest , famous Russian TV anchor Andrey Malakhov, who once invited Nurhan to his TV show, couldn't come, but he promised to send a wedding gift.

The attention of all guests, naturally, was focued on the bride – a beautiful and gentle Asemgul. Especially during “betashar" (opening of the face) ceremony. Probably, there was nobody who didn't rejoice when the veil was opened and guests saw the face of the bride. The sweets were thrown into the air – that was ceremony “shashu" (“fireworks with sweets"). Guests gave Nurzhan long applauses approving his choice and sharing his happy moment. Asemgul, as well as Nurzhan, is 24 years old. She is from Kulsary and works as an accountant. And Nurzhan is the musician, he sings at the weddings. He didn't sing at his own wedding though, but played a good role of the groom, looking very ceremonial.

After the wedding happy Nurzhan told us a story how he met Asemgul. It happened in Atyrau, they came across each other in the street. They were dating for one year and love evolved between them. And now they are a new and happy family. Asemgul, as it is required from the Kazakh daughter-in-law, right after the end of celebration, changed her wedding dress, put on a head scarf and got down to her new responsibilities of the lady of the house.

Happiness and love to you, newlyweds!

Photos taken by the author

August 10 2015, 11:25

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