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​Transnational companies move their offices to Kazakhstan

1 367 просмотрs

Image 0Transnational companies move their offices from Central Asia to Kazakhstan, Minister of Investment of Kazakhstan Asset Issekeshev informed at the CCS press conference.

"We attract transnational companies to Kazakhstan, the best investment center of the region. I would like to note that there are the first agreements already. Taking into account the situations in neighboring countries they move to Kazakhstan. They open their offices here and provide their services to the whole region," he noted.

"Therefore, we will be actively holding different forums abroad. We also plan to do a lot of work within the country. Introduction of a visa-free regime for several countries is one part of this work, the other part of the work is establishment of the international financial center," the minister added.

As earlier reported, the Head of State noted in his national plan the importance of establishment of joint companies in the priority economy sectors.


July 20 2015, 16:02

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