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​Kazakh developers win world championship in togyzkumalak computer games

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Image 1July 17-19 the city of Pardubice, the Czech Republic, held the III World Championship in togyzkumalak computer programs.

The first place went to Kazakhstan's program developed by Yernar Shambayev, Diana Kenina and Serik Aktayev (6 points). The second place was won by a program made by Kyrgyz developers and the third place went to a computer program of Czech Republic.

Togyzkumalak World Federation and Togyzkumalak Federation of the Czech Republic are popularizing togyzkumalak in the international arena and attracting the best intellectual games developers.

NOTE: Toguz Kumalak ("nine pebbles") is the Kazakh name of a mancala game. The number "nine" has a high significance in the folk beliefs and mythology of Central Asian peoples. It was considered auspicious. The game is played in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, the Republic of Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, among the Kyrgyz in north-eastern Afghanistan (Wakhan), parts of Russia (Altay, Khakassia, Sakha, Tartaria, Tuva), by the Kazakh minority in western Mongolia (Bayan Ölgii) and in north-western China. Kazinform refers to

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July 20 2015, 11:14

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