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Saudi Arabia arrests more than 400 suspected ISIL militants

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Image 0Saudi Arabia has arrested more than 400 people suspected of belonging to the so-called Islamic State group.

The Interior Ministry said that the counter-terror operation also prevented attacks on mosques, security forces and a diplomatic mission.

The announcement came after a car bomb attack claimed by ISIL militants at a checkpoint near a high security prison, killed one man and wounded two security officials on Thursday.

The Interior Ministry said that those arrested on Saturday were carrying out “schemes directed from trouble spots abroad and are aimed at inciting sectarian strife".

The Islamist group has appealed to supporters to carry out attacks in the kingdom.

Answering the call in May, two suicide bombers killed 25 people at Shi'ite mosques in the country's east. It marked one of the deadliest assaults on the kingdom in more than a decade.

Source: euronews

July 20 2015, 10:17

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