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​Karaganda man arrested in murder of woman trying to sell car

1 318 просмотрs

Image 0Officers of the Criminal Police Department of Internal Affairs of Karaganda region have arrested a 24-year-old suspect in murder of a young girl who vanished while trying to sell her BMW 316.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Shevchenko, aged 28, went missing July 16. It turned out that the woman was going to meet with a man named Sergei. The man wanted to buy her car.

The girl's body was found in a landfill near the Spassky highway.

The man owned up to killing the woman because she refused to sell the car on the installment plan.

The suspect is put into a temporary detention center. Investigation is underway.

Source: kazinform

July 20 2015, 10:00

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