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​Scientific Center will be opened at Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas

2 585 просмотрs

By Ainur Saparova

Image 0International Caspian Research Center will be opened at Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas. This was informed by the President of the institute Ali Abishev (on a photo).

- When I was in Seattle, in state of Washington in the USA, I visited the Pacific Research Center. I consider that in Atyrau we should also open such research center that would research the issues of geopolitical important Caspian region, - said A. Abishev. – Such center, could combine the efforts of both the scientists and students of our institute and cover such spheres as ecology, tourism, business, fishery, navigation, etc.

Photo taken by Kanat Eleuov
June 19 2015, 10:06

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