Atyrau, July 27 04:44
 clearВ Атырау +25
$ 474.83
€ 515.38
₽ 5.50

Atyrau people spent 270MM on IPO

1 983 просмотрs

This month KazTransOil stopped receiving applications to buy ordinary shares placed within People's IPO program of Kazakhstan.

As said by Altynai SAMIYEVA, head of financial services with Atyrau Branch KazPost, 1,612 agreements on broker services and nominal holding of paper securities have been concluded in Atyrau Oblast. 

1,574 applications were submitted by individuals wishing to buy KazTransOil JSC's common stock worth over T270mln. 

The oblast breakdown looks as follows:

Zhylyoi District (Kulsary) - 402 applications worth T57mln;                                              

Kurmangazy District (Ganyushkino) - 110 for T5mln;                                                        

Makhambet District (Makhambet) - 52 for T3.7mln;                                                               

Issatai District (Akkistau) - 47 for T3.8mln;                                                                              

Makat District (Makat) - 94 for T7mln;Inder District (Inder) - 59 for T4.6mln;                           

Kyzylkoga District (Mukur) - 11 for T700,000;                                                                             

City of Atyrau - 799 for T195mln.

As a whole, over 25,000 people wished to buy shares for T18.7bn in the country.



December 24 2012, 12:31

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