Atyrau, July 27 05:17
 clearВ Атырау +25
$ 474.83
€ 515.38
₽ 5.50

Reminder: Emergency Calls

1 582 просмотрs

Media service of Department of Emergency reminds of emergency response phone numbers in case of communal failures during the upcoming holidays.

In case of power cut call Atyrau Zharyk dispatch service by 8 (7122) 323636, 994200.

In case of heating or hot water outage call emergency service of Atyrau Heating Networks by 322258 or dispatchers in the city akimat (city hall) from 18.00 to 09.00 on weekdays and 24h on weekends and holidays.

In case of cold water outage call emergency service of Atyrau Su Arnasy, the municipal water supply service,  by 454711, 454712, 454713.

In case of gas outage call Emergency Gas Service by 104 or 244889 or AtyrauGazInvest LLP by 214510.


December 21 2012, 16:17

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