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Kazakhstan, Austria plan to introduce visa-free regime for businessmen

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Kazakh-Austrian Business Council Head Meyram Pshembayev Kazakh-Austrian Business Council Head Meyram Pshembayev Kazakhstan and Austria plan to introduce a visa-free regime for businessmen of the two countries, this has been announced at today's Kazakh-Austrian Business Council by Meyram Pshembayev, head of the council, member of the Majilis.

"We are interested in establishing close contacts between our two countries and the European community. And in this regard, we give preference to visa-free travel for business people of the two states," he said.

In addition, Meyram Pshembayev proposed the creation of two divisions of the council - an expert-analytical center and a department for promotion of investment. 

It should be noted that the meeting of the Business Council was attended by 36 companies from Austria and more than 30 companies from Kazakhstan.


March 16 2015, 17:26

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