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Kazakhstan Sues Hackers Who Stole, Posted Officials’ E-Mails

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Kazakhstan official representatives said in the Manhattan federal court complaint that it discovered in late January that its computer system was hacked. Thousands of Kazakhstan officials’ messages sent from Gmail accounts were stolen, according to the complaint filed Thursday.

Some of the messages have been posted on various websites including Facebook, Kazakh officials said. The stolen messages include communications sent to lawyers at Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle LLP, a New York firm hired by Kazakhstan, according to the lawsuit, bloomberg reports.

The misappropriated e-mails included some from Marat Beketayev, Kazakhstan’s executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice, and Deputy General Prosecutor Andrey Kravchenko, according to the complaint

The nation has begun an investigation to identify the hackers, according to the complaint.

The case is The Republic of Kazakhstan v. Does 1-100, 15-cv-01900, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).

March 13 2015, 09:51

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