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Kazakhstan allocates KZT 3,2 billion for oil-fields exploration

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Kazakhstan will allocate KZT 3,2 billion for oil-field exploration in 2015, this has been announced at today's international forum for oil and gas exploration by of Minister for Investment and Development Asset Issekeshev.

"In 2015 the national budget and the National Fund will allocate 3.2 billion tenge to finance new regional oil and gas exploration works. In particular, there will be financed two geophysical surveys of two geotraverses and the drilling of two support appraisal wells," said the Minister, reports.

Despite the optimization of budget programs, exploration is one of the priority areas for financing. This year's financing from the national budget will be higher than in the last year.

According to Mr. Issekeshev, in general, there have being developed new approaches. There was worked out a special program for oil-fields exploration. "This year we will make geology digitization. The new digital map will include full information on oil and gas sites," said the Minister.

March 12 2015, 13:30

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