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Nazarbayev, Lukashenko, Putin to meet up in Astana soon

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In two separate phone talks with Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev discussed bilateral cooperation issues and cooperation within the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia, and Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev's press service said last week.

With Lukashenko, the sides discussed meeting of the three presidents in March in Astana.

With Putin, the presidents discussed the situation in Ukraine and Minsk peace deal, stressing the importance of sticking to those ceasefire accords for the eastern Ukraine, reports.

Minsk summit took place on 12 February when the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine agreed on ending unrest, however the conflicting sides seem to fail to lay down the guns as the onslaught on Debaltseve continued for a while after the peace deadline of 15 February. 

Putin told Nazarbayev that he is ready for a meeting in Astana with him and Lukashenko.

March 2 2015, 04:39

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