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President proposed to launch action "Made in Kazakhstan"

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Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev has proposed to launch the action in all the trade networks "Made in Kazakhstan".

"Let's launch the action "Made in Kazakhstan" to create sections with Kazakhstani goods in all the trade networks. Akims of the regions must control it," he said.
"Let's address to all Kazakhstani people calling them to be patriots in this complicated situations and buy Kazakhstani goods," he continued, reports referring to kaztag.
In his words, it is necessary to continue organization of forums on Kazakhstani consistence, conclusion of memorandums.
"Big construction is underway in Astana taking in account preparation to EXPO-2017, all the works carried out for big funds must involve Kazakhstani companies. All the contractors must work on it, to activate everything that is necessary for the account of Kazakhstani resources," he concluded.

February 13 2015, 11:23

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