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Car explodes and kills 1 in front of Kazakh Defense Ministry in Astana

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A car has exploded near the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan, tengrinews reports citing the press service of the Ministry.

"Today, on Dostyk Street in Astana a Chevrolet exploded with a soldier of one of the military units of the Ministry of Defense inside - Lt. Col. Syzdykov Arman Kaydarovich, born in 1975. He died on the spot for the injuries, nobody else was injured," the press service of the Defense Ministry said. 

A special investigation group has been created. A criminal case has been initiated with relevant investigative measures being undertaken.

"A suicide note was found at the scene, the version of a terrorist attack has been excluded. Details about the investigation of the incident will be reported later," the press service said.

The site was cordoned by the police, but Tengrinews has managed to obtain photos from the scene.

February 10 2015, 16:59

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