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“Patriots’ Rally”

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Pretty young female students wearing blue T-shirts with the sign “I love president”, young men waving blue flags, cameras flashing and national dances – the event titled “Patriots’ Rally” took place at the Atyrau State University today marking the Day of the First President.   

The event gathered a large number of teachers and students.  Curious idlers were carefully filtered by gloomy security guards.

The Governor of Atyrau Oblast Baktykozha IZMUKHAMBETOV delivered a speech. And later there were given many other speeches. The key words were: prosperity, building and stability.

WKT Reference: On December 10, last year the Senate adopted the amendment to the law on holidays in Kazakhstan, introducing a new one -  December 1 – the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This year it is celebrated for the first time.

By Anastassia PASTUKHOVA

Photo of the author

December 2 2012, 15:09

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