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Kazakhstan and EU discuss strengthening of trade and economic relations

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Catherine AshtonKazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Vice-President of the European Commission and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton discussed strengthening of trade and economic relations in Astana on Friday, the Kazakh presidential press-service reported today.

"During the meeting the parties discussed the prospects of further development and strengthening of trade and economic relations between Kazakhstan and the EU within the extended agreement on partnership and cooperation," the press-service said.

The parties also discussed international issues, global and regional security situation, including the situation in Afghanistan.

During the meeting Ashton noted that the EU supports Kazakhstan in its intention to join WTO, as well as the Kazakh President's initiatives on regional integration.

The European Union has been Kazakhstan's major trade and investment partner during the past six years. The EU countries invested $70bn in Kazakhstan's economy during 1993-2012, said Ashton.


December 1 2012, 17:46

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