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Vnukovo airport engineer to remain in pre-trial detention over Total plane crash

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Vladimir LedenevVladimir LedenevThe Moscow City Court on Friday upheld the detention of Vnukovo airport engineer Vladimir Ledenev charged in the criminal case over Total CEO Cristophe de Margerie’s death, RAPSI reports from the courtroom.

The court thus dismissed an appeal filed by Ledenev’s defense. The attorney asked to release Ledenev from custody. He will remain in detention until December 21.

Total CEO Christophe de Margerie died in the crash of his Falcon 50 private jet on the evening of October 23 at Moscow's Vnukovo Airport along with three crew members, all French citizens. The aircraft, which was scheduled to depart to Paris, hit a snow removal vehicle during takeoff.

Russian authorities have also detained until December 21 air traffic controller Alexander Kruglov and snowplow driver Vladimir Martynenko. Air traffic control trainee Svetlana Krivsun and flight supervisor Roman Dunaev have been placed under house arrest.

All employees of the airport stand accused of violation of air traffic rules which resulted in death of two and more people. They face up to seven years in prison each.

All defendants have pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against them.

December 5 2014, 15:54

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