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Head of Kazakh Frontier Service arrested on corruption charges

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Nurlan DzhulamanovNurlan DzhulamanovHead of Kazakhstani Frontier Service has been arrested on suspicion of corruption.

The military court of Akmola garrison sanctioned on Wednesday (October 29) the arrest of head of Kazakhstan's Frontier Service Nurlan Dzhulamanov until December 27, the court's press service reports. 

Dzhulamanov is suspected of accepting a multi-million bribe. He is also believed to form and lead a criminal group.

According to the court's press service, the arrest may be extended. The investigation is underway. 

Earlier it was reported that head of the Frontier Service Nurlan Dzhulamanov had been detained on October 27, 2014.

Dzhulamanov assumed the office of the head of the Frontier Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan in January 2013. Previously he held the highest of military positions in the Kazakh Armed Forces and served as deputy Defense Minister of Kazakhstan.

October 30 2014, 15:04

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