“Alisa Knows What to Do!,” a new Russian 3D children’s animated series being offered for the first time at TV market Mipcom, has been sold to Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Israel, according to the blog Variety.
The series, which is produced by Timur Bekmambetov’s Bazelevs, the Riki Group and Animation Studio Moskva, will be aired on free TV in all three countries in 2015. Bazelevs Distribution started international sales on the project at Mipcom’s children’s content market, MipJunior, on Saturday.
In March, the series won Reed Midem’s special award of the Open Russian Animation Festival in Suzdal as the animated series with the highest international potential. Reed Midem, the organizer of MipJunior and Mipcom, gave the series a special showcase at MipJunior as its prize.
The series was watched more than 100 times in the MipJunior digital library. Among the interested buyers were Canal Plus and TF1 from France, SVT in Sweden, RAI in Italy, Radio Canada in Canada and KiKA in Germany.