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The citizen of Kazakhstan 'trapped' in the USA and can't return home

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Lyudmila IvakhnoLyudmila IvakhnoKazakhstan citizen Lyudmila Ivakhno is asking for help and wants to return home from the USA where she is currently staying with her mother and two children, reports.

Lyudmila, her mother and her children are living in a shelter for the homeless in Bronx (New York suburb). She says that she sold her apartment in Almaty and using the services of one of the firms, together with her daughter and mother left for the USA, where she experienced rape and violence and was regularly humiliated and beaten. In one of the shelters she gave a birth to the second child.

Representatives the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan promised to check into the matter and help Lyudmila Ivakhno and her family to return home.

October 8 2014, 04:43

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