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Military pilots and divers to be trained in Oral City

1 741 просмотрs

On the basis of military-technical school in Oral it is scheduled to open courses for military experts: pilots and divers, reports

The school administration noted that this school is steeped in legends. During the 2nd WW the military pilots such as Hiuaz Dospanova, the Heroes of the Soviet Union - Beda, Malin and Churikov were trained here. “We are planning to start the courses for pilots on the basis of the local airport. Cadets will learn to fly on An-2 air planes”, - said the director of the military-technical school Kuspan Mukataev.

On the basis of the local aeroclub it is planned to open the courses for paratroopers, and the base of the former defense plant is to be used for training of military divers.

WKT citing

November 14 2012, 18:20

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