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Eid Al-Fitr celebrates unity among Kazakhstanis - President

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Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev has congratulated all people of Kazakhstan on Eid Al-Fitr, kazinform has learnt from the Akorda press service.

"Dear compatriots,

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the holiday of Eid Al-Fitr!

It marks the ending of the month of Ramadan during which all Muslims in the world strive for spiritual self-perfecting. During the holy month people try to be merciful and compassionate and help those in need.

Islam calls the mankind for peace and stability. These high moral values unite not only Muslims but all people of Kazakhstan. That is why Eid Al-Fitr is the feast of unity of all compatriots.

Kazakhstani society is proud of its rich spiritual heritage and strong relationship based on mutual respect and consent.

I call on all Kazakhstanis to strengthen those traditions and always cherish those values.

Let Eid Al-Fitr bring our people inspiration and to our families - happiness and prosperity!

July 28 2014, 15:03

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