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Six-year-old 'raped' by staff at India school

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Tension has mounted in the southern Indian city of Bangalore after a six-year-old girl was allegedly raped by two staff members on the premises of a prominent school, aljazeera. com reports.

According to the Reuters news agency, angry parents went to the school on Thursday, breaking a glass door to protest against the alleged rape.

The alleged offence took place on July 2 in the school campus during class hours and the child, who is a pupil at the school, is receiving treatment in hospital, an official said.

Bangalore Deputy Commissioner of Police T D Pawar said that police were investigating the case.

"The offence has taken place on 2nd of this month and case was registered on 14th. So, we have taken up the case and we are investigating the matter, taking all the aspects into consideration," Pawar said.

Claims of inaction

Parents have accused the school authority of inaction.

"We have been here since yesterday morning and they are not addressing our concerns properly," said a parent at the protest who gave her name as Shabnam.

School owner, Rustom Kerawalla, said he was doing everything he could to assist the investigation.

"All cooperation is being given to the police authorities and guilty will have to be punished and all our cooperation is there towards that in spite of today being a holiday we assured that the staff are here to assist the enquiry," he said.

Unprecedented nationwide protests against the gang rape of a 23-year-old woman on a moving bus in the capital Delhi in December 2012 forced the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government to pass tougher laws to fight gender crimes.

Sex crimes are common in India, which has a population of 1.2 billion. 

New Delhi has the highest number of sex crimes among major cities, with a rape reported every 18 hours, according to police figures.

July 22 2014, 14:55

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