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Kazakhstan, Japan discuss opening direct air service

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Kazakh Foreign Minister Erlan Idrisov and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida discussed the opening of direct air service during the fifth meeting of the participant states of the Central Asia plus Japan Dialogue in Bishkek, Kazakh Foreign Ministry said, reports.

The sides discussed the prospects for continuing the high-level dialogue, trade, economic and investment cooperation, as well as facilitating the mutual trips of citizens, the ministry said.

"The foreign ministers of the two countries reviewed the possibility of opening direct air service between Kazakhstan and Japan. They expressed hope that once Kazakhstan switches to a unilateral visa-free regime with Japan and nine more countries, the number of tourists and investors visiting this country will increase," Kazakh Foreign Ministry said.

Idrisov and Kishida emphasized the significance of launching the production of Toyota Fortuner cars in Kazakhstan's Kostanay region and expressed hope that this will pave the way for other Japanese car manufacturers.

They also pointed out the prospects for the further development of cooperation in the sphere of nuclear energy and processing of rare earth metals.

Kishida, for his part, reassured his counterpart that Japan will review the issue related to abolition of visa requirements for holders of diplomatic and official passports.

Idrisov officially invited Japan to participate in the international EXPO-2017 exhibition in Astana and expressed hope that the Japanese companies known for their technologies in the sphere of new energy will take an active part in it.

The foreign ministers also focused on Kazakhstan's cooperation with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Japan welcomes the further development of this cooperation, as well as the country's accession to this organization, Kishida stressed.

The foreign ministers of the two countries emphasized the significance of continuing the Central Asia plus Japan Dialogue as a required mechanism for resolving the problems of the region.

July 18 2014, 12:03

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