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Institute on children’s rights commissioner planned to be founded in Kazakhstan

3 560 просмотрs

Manshuk Abdykarim, interim chair of the committee for protection of children's rights of the Ministry of Education and Science believes it is possible to introduce the post of commissioner of children's rights in Kazakhstan, kaztag reports.

"In order to improve the position of children in Kazakhstan, provide observance of rights and freedom of children we believe it is possible to introduce the post of commissioner on children's rights," reads the reply of Abdykarim to KazTAG request.

In her words, after introduction of the Code "On marriage and family" according to the rules of reports and information accounting on registration of adopted children in the consular registrar ratified by the decree of the Minister of Education and Science dated March 20 2012, reports about condition of life, upbringing and health of adopted children by foreigners regularly come through accredited agencies.

In addition a session of working group involving representatives of state bodies and state department of the US was held in November 2013 in Washington within the frameworks of legal aid provision.

"During negotiations the parties shared experience concerning international adoption, including the activity of migration and legal services of the US state department. There were discussed issues about control of life condition and fostering of adopted children, timely information provision about possible problems, violations of rights of adopted children and provision of assistance in information reporting about Kazakhstani children adopted by the US citizens. Such sessions are planned to be held annually," said Abdykarim.

In 1999-2012 out of 47 421 adopted children in Kazakhstan 38 068 (80.3%) were adopted by Kazakhstani citizens, of them 21 472 were aged below 3.

In the same period foreign relatives adopted 547 children (1.2%), foreigners- 8 806 children (18.5%).

The majority of children were adopted by the citizens of the US-6609, Spain-757, Belgium-426, Canada-222, France-209.

July 9 2014, 16:46

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