Atyrau, January 9 22:58
dullВ Атырау -3
$ 527.23
€ 544.05
₽ 5.05

Airport highway to open back on July 9

2 070 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

Scheduled for July 1 the opening of the airport highway is postponed till July 9.

To recall the highway was closed for reconstruction on May 17. Within the framework of the preparations for the interregional cooperation forum of Kazakhstan and Russia, the roadbed and the Mostovoi water channel bridge crossing are being expanded. Although the city authorities promised to re-open one of the busiest city routes in 1,5 months’ time, it seems Atyrauinzhstroy LLP contractor is having difficulties in meeting the set deadline.

Technical director of the company Valery Kudryakov says that the deadline is too tight for such a work scope, but the company is planning to open the highway by July 9.

By the way, the Prime Minister Karim Massimov’s visit to Atyrau is also scheduled for July 9.

July 1 2014, 12:04

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