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Ex-Governor’s Case. “SnabOil” LLP block

5 470 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

Court hearings.Court hearings.The block of files concerning Aibat Suleimenov, businessman and former deputy of the city maslikhat (regional government executive committee) was divided into several episodes: “Construction of landfill for solid household waste”, “Construction of children's rest camp in the village of Almaly of Makhambet district”, “Construction of concert hall for 1 200 places with museum of  modern arts in Atyrau” and “Construction of sewer treatment facilities in left-bank part of Atyrau”.

“SnabOil” LLP was building these facilities as per the work order from various administrations of the regional government during 2008-2012. There were three defendants summoned to the court: Aygul Beisebekova, Aynur Batyrbayeva and Kenzhegul Sisenova – all three are the previous employees of the internationally wanted Aibat Suleimenov.

Aibat Suleimenov.Aibat Suleimenov.Aygul Beysebekova,  Snaboylstroy LLP director,is charged under the RoK Criminal Code article 325 (“Forgery, production or sale of counterfeit documents, stamps, seals, blank forms, state awards”), the article 235 (“Creation and management of criminal group for committing one or several crimes, as well as participation in it”), the article 176 (‘Misappropriation and embezzlement of entrusted alien property”) and the article 192-1 (“Settlement of transaction by the private business without intention to conduct business activity”).

Aynur Batyrbayeva, deputy director, has been charged on the same articles.

Kenzhegul Sisenova,the chief accountant, was charged under articles 235, 176, 192-1 and 218 (“Violation of RoK law on accounting and financial activity”). Beisebekova is under the “house arrest”; Batyrbayeva and Sisenova are under travel restrictions.

The lawyer Asel Elchoubaeva put a question to the representative of the regional construction administration:

- What has been done in past two years and why the facilities in question have not been completed?

The government official admitted that part of funds have been returned to state treasury as pending disbursements. For sewer treatment facilities they have hired a new engineering design firm and they are making amendments to the project for 56 million tenge. The engineering design modifications of the concert hall have been estimated at 20 million tenge. The destiny of these facilities will be decided only after modifications in the design are complete. In case the facilities are recognized viable, their financing will be taken into account in future budgets. The facility “Construction of landfill for solid household waste” has been suspended, because the design documentation is not ready and they cannot include it into assets’ list. All facilities are now guarded by “Kuzet” security company. protection.

May 21 2014, 11:20

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