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Astana to hold Tulip Ball

3 312 просмотрs

Kazakhstan is the Homeland of tulip flowers. These flowers symbolize spring, nature and beauty rebirth as well as the 1st Charitable Ball in Astana, which will take place on the 29th of March, correspondent reports.

The diversity of the ball is in its subject - "In the heart of Eurasia", where the European ball heritage is blended with the national colors of Kazakh people - music, decoration as well as the participation of Kazakhstan creative elite: Doszhan Tabyldy, Azamat Zhyltyrkozov, Asem Sembina and many others.

The Akimat (mayor's office) of Astana city, the Committee for Matters Concerning Young Persons of the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan, Agency on Information and Communication act as strong supporters of the First ball. All donated funds will be directed to Astana Emergency Response Center. Such an important mission is in hands of 96 debutants selected from 700 applied people.

March 28 2014, 15:49

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