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Jack the Ripper from Uralsk

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In the city of Uralsk the tyrant and cruel murderer Gainulla Imashev (on a photo) is sentenced to a life-time imprisonment with confiscation of property, reported the RoK Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Last year in autumn the policemen found 48-year-old Rosa Berkaliyeva and her eight-year son Tokhtar’s corpses in their house that was set on fire in "Sarytau" residential district. The forensic medical examination established that the woman had numerous knife wounds and the boy had a serious craniocerebral trauma and burned alive. The 16-year-old daughter who was raped managed to escape.

After the detention of the criminal suspect, the public learned that he was the experienced recidivist who knew no pity. During the judicial proceedings it was also established that one year prior to this double murder, Imashev was accused of a rape of the rural medical assistant in Kaztalovsky district. But the policemen then helped him to evade the public justice and, therefore, indirectly pushed the monster to commission further crimes.

– If policemen then fulfilled their responsibilities to the full, these murders in "Sarytau" could have been avoided, – said the judge of inter-district specialized court, Akgul Karasayeva after the court proceedings. Gainulla Imashev has been accused on seven articles of the Criminal Code.

WKT citing

October 26 2012, 22:45

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