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Construction Contractors Need to Be Changed

2 492 просмотрs

“It is necessary to change the contractors and to hand over the materials to law enforcement agencies”, – repeated this phrase several times Bolat NURGALIEV, the head of oblast construction department at the meeting in oblast akimat.

The public servant criticized the activity of ”MunaiKurylysService Ltd.”, the company that fails to meet the deadlines for the  construction of school (for 624 seats), a kindergarten (for 280 seats) and a medical clinic (for 250 seats) in Kulsary city.

MunaiKurylysService constructed on time only one school for 300 seats in Dossor village. Currently this company is building the kindergarten for 165 seats in Geolog village. We insist that the contractor should expedite their activities. The opening of the kindergarten is scheduled for 2013, – said Nurgaliev.

According to him, the other contractor that also fails to meet their obligations is “SnabOilStroy”. The company hasn’t completed the most expensive facilities:  children's summer camp in Almaly village, Makhambet district, 35 sports grounds, the concert hall for 1 200 seats (on the photo) and the bath complex for 100 people, both located in the Nursaya residential district.

The general contractor “Eko-Plast” company is also grossly delaying the construction of the school (for 300 seats) in the Indersky district.

 Nurgaliev noted “Rim-Story” LLP as a diligent contractor (school built for 624 seats in Geolog village, another school for 300 seats built in Makhambet village and a kindergarten for 280 seats built in the Zhuldyz residential district). “Alau-Zhaik” LLP completed the construction of sewage treatment plant in Indersky district).

According to the program of ZhilStroyBank (mortgage housing) it is scheduled to construct in Atyrau five 120-apartments housing blocks from the funds of the republican budget, 2 of them are scheduled for completion in 2012, and the remaining 3 - in 2013.


October 26 2012, 21:36

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