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Kazakh Professor Solves Another Millennium Prize Problem

2 681 просмотрs enu.kzAcademician from Astana Mukhtarbai Otelbayev has solved one of seven most difficult mathematical millennium problems, the press service of the Eurasian National University reported.

Mukhtarbay Otelbaev, Prof. Dr., Academician of the NAS of the RK, Director of the Eurasian Mathematical Institute of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, completed and published paper “Existence of a strong solution of the Navier-Stokes equations” in the press.

The importance of the publication is that this problem is included in the 7 most complex mathematical problems, which are called “millennium problems”. Note that for the solution of each of these problems Clay Mathematics Institute in early 2000 announced a prize of $ 1 million. Currently, only one of the seven Millennium problems (Poincaré conjecture) is solved. The Fields Prize for her decision was awarded to G.Perelman.

Full Article of Muhtarbay Otelbaev was published in “Mathematical Journal” (2013, v.13 , № 4 (50))

To recall that the area of Muhtarbay Otelbaev’s scientific interests included spectral theory of operators, theory of operators’ contraction and expansion, investment theory of functional spaces, approximation theory, computational mathematics, inverse problems.

Mukhtarbay Otelbaev is the winner of the title “Man of Science of the Year” in contest “Altyn Adam” (“Man of the Year in Kazakhstan ” in the category “Science”) 2002; in 2002-2003, 2004 – 2005 is the Winner of the state scientific grant for scientists and experts who have made outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology, winner of the Economic Cooperation Organization in the “Science and Technology“, 2004, winner of the MES grant of the RK “Best university teacher”, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology.

January 15 2014, 12:21

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