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Atyrau Got Talent

3 025 просмотрs

By Zeena Urynbassarova

Bekka, the 1st prize winner. Atyrau Got TalentBekka, the 1st prize winner. Atyrau Got TalentThe 3rd season final of Atyrau Got Talent show took place in Atyrau. The format used was the existing Britain Got Talent and other similar TV shows.

The organizer of the event was one of the big restaurants in town that conducted their own talent selection contest. At the preliminary casting anyone of any age with some sort of talent was auditioned for the show. The criteria used by the judges were: originality, presentation and costumes, audience impact and x-factor (i.e. talent). At the preliminary casting there were 150 participants and only 10 made it to the final. The 1st prize was 100 thousand tenge, the 2nd - 70 thousand and the 3d prize - 50 thousand tenge.

Baubek BigBen (Sabyrov), private company commercial representative, was the first contestant who appeared on the stage. He rapped Thrift Shop, an international hit, peaking at number one on Billboard Hot 100 (USA), UK Singles Chart and others. 

Altousha Toulegenova, the teacher of economics at Atyrau Engineering-Humanitarian College, sang the famous hit Sway by Pussycat Dolls. And the next contestant was literally brought onto the stage like a statue. Dressed in colourful costume of the Nutcracker, Bekka (Bekbol Dyusupov) performed an original tin soldier’s dance. Bekbol works as fitness instructor. 

Mira Kartbaeva and Daniele PasquinoMira Kartbaeva and Daniele PasquinoThe 4th contestant Azat Dzheenbekov, construction firm employee, sang Usher’s hit You got it bad. Then Mira Kartbayeva and Daniele Pasquino danced “Tango Nuovo”. Their attire and hair styles were that of the early 30s. It is hard to believe that Daniele is turning 70. By the way, Mira and Daniele give free tango classes to those who would love to learn this elegant dance. The next finalist was “Kadrin Jackson’s  Dance Group”. They danced to PSY’s “Gentleman Dance”. Kadyrbek Nazirov, the leader of this dancing group,works as Internet cafe administrator.He formed this group by inviting his sisters and friends. He is also known in our town as the best Michael Jackson parody dancer. When I asked Kadyrbek why he doesn’t perform at the republican level since he has such an amazing plasticity. He answered that he didn’t have a producer. What a pity!

Altyn Bekeshova,personnel manager, sang Alicia’s “If I ain’t got you”. TCO employee Aziza Khamieva performed Albinoni’s Adagio, but modern arrangement of this classical piece sung by Lara Fabian. It was obvious that Aziza had her own style and the reaction of the audience was a proof to that. One more participant, Atyrau State Uni student Saltanat Dyusembaeva sang Rianna’s Umbrella, supported with “Glamorous” dance group.

The final contestant was “Supersonic” dance group, who specialize in break dance. Cheered by the audience, the boys demonstrated the miracles of power gymnastics and acrobatics. The leader of the group Erbolat Ryspaev is the student of Atyrau Uni of Oil and Gas.

Amir AitkalievAmir Aitkaliev11-year old Amir Aitkaliev was the guest singer of the evening. He sang Leonid Utyosov’s oldie called “Serdtse” (Heart). During the performance Amir gallantly invited for a dance one lady who sat at the front table. The soft tone of his voice and this gallant move really touched the hearts of the audience. The young singer got a great welcome from the audience.

At the end of the show, the jury awarded the 1st prize to robot-man Bekka, the 2nd prize to “Supersonic” dance group and the 3d prize totalented singer Azat Dzheenbekov

After the contest I asked the finalists where they do their rehearsals. They all answered that they rehearse at home. Thinking about rather high level of their performances, it is indeed very impressive.

According to Ms. Shine from Philippines, the organizer of this event, “the purpose of the contest was to open new talents in Atyrau, as well as to have a spectacular show”. She said that some of the finalists are good enough to perform at the big stage. In any way, the show was a great success.

August 29 2013, 19:58

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